Nanominer 3.8.4 - NVIDIA+AMD GPU Miner

El minero admite los algoritmos más populares como: RandomX (Monero), Ethash, ProgPoW, KAWPOW, Equihash, CuckooCycle.

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Relojes de núcleo, relojes de memoria, voltaje de núcleo, voltaje de memoria, velocidad del ventilador, overclocking de límite de potencia para Windows.

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Watchdog: observador del proceso del estado de los sistemas principales del minero, que reiniciará el minero en caso de bloqueo o congelación.

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Nanominer - High-Performance Computing.
Temperatures control

Controle la temperatura y detenga la GPU en caso de sobrecalentamiento. Este minero muestra información detallada en cada dispositivo.

We guarantee an instant connection, around-the-clock access and monitoring, an easy-to-use management interface, 24/7 uptime as well as daily payouts.

Here are some interesting facts in numbers:

daily active workers

dashboard icon

daily active Nanominer users


eth payments icon

cryptocurrencies paid out

Algo Coin Dev Fee (once per 2 hours) AMD Nvidia CPU
Ethash ETHW & other 1%  
Etchash ETC 1%  
Ubqhash UBQ 1%  
KawPow RVN 2%  
Octopus CFX 2%    
Autolykos ERG 2.5%  
RandomX XMR 2%    
Verushash VRSC 2%    
Verthash VTC 1%    

Cómo usar Nanominer

Este video muestra cómo usar Nanominer.

  1. 1
    Descargar el minero
    • Depending on your OS, Download Nanominer for Windows or Linux.
    • The GPU should have at least 6GB of RAM or it won’t be able to properly mine ETC. It's due to the growing DAG file used in the ETC PoW hashing process.
    • Extract the miner to any folder you like and navigate to it.
    • In the folder that contains the miner, you should create or edit a file with .bat extension. You can do this in any text editor (for example, Notepad or Notepad++). When you save the file, it’s important to choose ‘All Files’ as a file type, not ‘txt’. Otherwise, you’ll have .bat.txt at the end of the file name, and miner won’t be able to open this file. Your bat file (let’s say it’s called xmr-nanopool.bat for Monero) should contain the following text (Step 2):

    Attention! For security reasons, Windows may stop you from opening the bat file. In this case, you should permit it to open in the pop-up window.

  2. 2
    Enter the following command:
    ; Address to send funds to.
    wallet = 84hu7SJvUL4D8dxd4u6x9yT5zX2UhFxmpixbL83P8PXoUQ1s8mrZw6m5pULPvoGWymMiCqK4fvR8t9u6vZxJQKNGSzw9GDc
    ; (Optional) Coin to mine.
    coin = XMR
    ; (Optional) Rig (worker) name.
    rigName = speed_test
  3. 3
    Configure the miner with your settings
    WALLET - enter YOUR coin wallet address or pool USERNAME (this is how Nanominer knows where to deposit your coins).
    The easiest way to get a wallet is to register on a cryptocurrency exchange like Houbi or Kuna. rigName – you can choose any name (like test), but don’t exaggerate: it should be 32 symbols max, contain only letters and numbers (no special characters like $%»*;@). Replace the XMR wallet address with your own XMR wallet address in the -wallet option (Rig01 is the name of the rig).
  4. 4
    Start mining
    Double click your Bat file to start the miner. The miner will start, run the setx commands to set those environment variables, initialize each of your GPU’s, build the DAG file on each of your GPU’s and start hashing away. If you’ve followed the steps above you should see this screen.

Download now

Latest version is 3.8.4
File: *Nanominer.exe,
SHA256: e70606febd3fcf96ef337c354cc08f7b46adbdbb2283c324b21b661d0babf70f

Based on 1287+ reviews

v3.3.13 / release 05.10.21

  • Significantly improved Ergo (Autolykos2) performance (~10%) on Nvidia Turing GPUs (RTX 16xx, RTX 20xx, CMP 30HX);
  • Reduced Ergo (Autolykos2) power consumption on Nvidia GPUs.

The miner stops on close CMD, leave open while mining!

Nanominer Config File Setup - How to Configure Nanominer - Ethereum ETH - Monero XMR

You need an ethereum wallet but can use any etherum wallet you like.

TIP! Config file - just the coin and your wallet address is all you need.

You cant mine ETH with an GTX 1050TI unfortunately. You need to have more then 5GB of VRAM. And the GTX 1050TI has only 4GB

How To Mine ERGO with Nanominer. The ultimate guide
This a "Step By Step" How to mine ERGO (IN UNDER 10 MINUTES) on your Windows PC.

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Use templates (.bat files examples) to apply a predefined configuration to one or many miners in a single operation.

If you would like to donate Hashing power - 0x42fEE38bfBDe1f50609e49741BC4AF165E7c8199
