Download Nanominer 3.7.1 - AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner

less than 1 minute read

Version: 3.7.1
File: *Nanominer.exe,
SHA256: 879a368743f7d8ab99ccfb092b1d09c0699b82e50988816ced23cdb81c90fcc0
(Download for Linux)

Nanominer The new Nanominer 3.7.1 stable version is ready.

You can download Nanominer 3.7.1 from here:

Download Now

Download (mirror)

Inside the archive you will find a file README.txt with installation instructions.

Make sure to replace the pool and wallet address by what you’re using in all files.

mining rig for nanominer


We reworked automatic switch ETH -> ETC after Pos:

Automatic switch to ETC is off by default.
We added the option walletEtc to specify ETC wallet after switching.
To enable automatic switch add the following into the config:

switchToEtc = true
walletEtc = <ETC wallet>
Nanopool Nanominer config
Setup simple nanominer mining configuration.